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The Courier (2019)

Director: Zackary Adler
Cast: Olga Kurylenko, Gary Oldman, Amit Shah, Alicia Agneson, Greg Orvis, Craig Conway, William Moseley, Dermot Mulroney, Calliope Jane Taylor, Lee Charles, Gordon Alexander, Neil Chapelhow, Renars Latkovskis, Al Holland, John Sharpe, Pablo Casillas, Freddie Mason, Dan Fredenburgh, Joel Michaely, Barry Wilson, Jamie Satterthwaite, Dominic Mandy, Michael Fatogun, Hal Hillman, Ty Hurley, Obie Matthew, Robert Louis Medina, Chris Pearson


A joint task force operation is protecting a witness, Nick Murch, who is due to testify against powerful crime lord Ezekiel Mannings. At the safe house, a courier rings the bell to deliver a package, which is then revealed to be something that will jeopardize the trial, leaving the blame at the feet of the courier. After someone tries to kill the witness and the courier during the package drop, she devotes herself to protecting Nick, to make sure he finishes what he has set out to do.

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