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The Special (2020)

Director: B. Harrison Smith
Cast: Davy Raphaely, Dave Sheridan, Sarah French, Doug Henderson, Susan Moses, Paul Cottman, Wayne Shearer, Tony Barber, Lisa Budwig, Leslie Talley, Janae Palmer, Aleksandra Svetlichnaya, Christina DiNicolo, Nic Detorie, Sheri Fairchild, Blanda Nace, Kim Hogeman, James Young, Mitchell Nease, Jim Clark, Patricia Will, Arlington County, John A. Teske, Matt Nease, Cal Weary, Shelly Lynn Koch, Graham Will, Patti S. Stirk, Cindy Lee, Emily Golihew


Jerry suspects his wife is having an affair. When his buddy, Mike, tells him that the best revenge is revenge, he promises to deliver with The Special. The steps down this pathway transcend addiction and take one man into a personal nightmare.

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