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Time for Me to Come Home for Christmas (2018)

Director: David Winning
Cast: Megan Park, Josh Henderson, Paul McGillion, Lucie Guest, Enid-Raye Adams, Anesha Bailey, Bernadette Beck, Dolores Drake, Maegen Eastwood, Keisha Haines, Susan Hogan, Eric Keenleyside, Ellen Kennedy, Jett Klyne, Trevor Lerner


Cara faces a bittersweet Christmas since her mother's passing. Flying to Oklahoma, she meets country singer Heath, facing a tough holiday too since his father's death. He doesn't acknowledge his fame, so Cara feels duped when two attractive women rush him. As weather keeps thwarting their way, Cara and Heath share their losses, and as they head toward their separate Christmases, they grow close. But when Cara sees a tabloid linking Heath with a model, and he unwittingly offends her dad by offering financial help, it looks like it might take a Christmas miracle for this couple to find harmony. Starring Megan Park and Josh Henderson.

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