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Killer Therapy (2019)

Director: Barry Jay
Cast: Nicole Marie Appleby, Skyler Caleb, Lola Davidson, Michael Dempsey, Trevor Dow, Richard Ellis, Daeg Faerch, Mickey Faerch, Jamie Fishback, Ivy George, Gregory R. Gordon, Javon Johnson, Tamika Katon-Donegal, Elizabeth Keener, Adrienne King, Aidan Lewis, Thom Mathews, Angelique Maurnae, Yumarie Morales, Emma Mumford, Jeremy Olson, Michael Qeliqi, P.J. Soles, Arjun Sriram, Grahame Wood


Brian is a disturbed child with sociopath tendencies dealing with a father who doesn't love him, a mother unconvinced of his violent nature, and a newly adopted sister he believes is there to replace him. After a series of escalating violent incidents, he is bounced around from failed therapist to failed therapist, maturing into a young man still unable to escape his anger issues. When his life eventually falls apart by his own choices, Brian blames his series of failed therapists, embracing his dark nature and taking his revenge on everyone who ever wronged him - one by one, finally understanding that accepting who you are inside can be the best therapy.

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