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Mutiny of the Worker Bees (2020) - Also known as "Rebelión de los Godínez"

Director: Carlos Morett
Cast: Gustavo Egelhaaf, Alejandro Suárez, Bárbara de Regil, Mauricio Argüelles, Cesar Rodriguez, Fernando Becerril, Anna Carreiro, Carlos Macias Marquez, José Sefami, Raquel Garza, Carlos Morett, Ernesto Loera, Valeria Burgos, Diego Chávez, Laura García de la Mora, Jorge Medina G., Ainhoa García Forcada, Argelia Martínez, José Martínez, Fabiola Mascorro, Javier Montemayor, Josseline Torres, Jesús Valencia, Nagibe Abbud Chaparro


Omar Buendía, a super smart guy, who came out with the best average in school and is expected to do great things in life.

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