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Sweet Taste of Souls (2020)

Director: Terry Ross
Cast: Honey Lauren, John Salandria, Mark Valeriano, Amber Gaston, Sarah Bartholomew, Thom Michael Mulligan, Frank Papia, Jesse LeNoir, Darn Oldham, Scott Alin, Lonny Curtis, Mark Allyn, Samantha Larson, Tess Dunlap, Jesse Turner, Daniel Quezada, Monique Famisan, Will Fletcher, Lolly Boroff, Tyler Bruhn, Arkady Unterleidner, Brandon Marinas, Danielle Kaufman, Carl Ling, Carla Terrazas, Robert Chapman, Bryan Keith Davis, Dominick Nunes, Bruce Welnack, Thomas Peterson


When four struggling band members stop at a lonely roadside cafe for a slice of pie they find themselves imprisoned in the deranged cafe owners bizarre art collection and must battle a sinister force with an appetite for souls.

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