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Connect (2019)

Director: Marilyn Edmond
Cast: Kevin Guthrie, Siobhan Reilly, Stephen McCole, Sara Vickers, Conor McCarron, Cameron Fulton, Jennifer Black, Thomas Wilson, Dolina MacLennan, Peter Kelly, Kenneth Grant Ainslie, Harrison Nicholls, Neil Leiper, Simon Weir, John McColl, Mary McCusker, Beth Steel, Lynne Turnbull, John P. Arnold, Euan Macnaughton, James McKay, David Turnbull, Charlotte Rogers


Brian (Kevin Guthrie) is a young man struggling with his mental health. Outwardly, he keeps calm, goes to work and carries on, and nobody talks about the loss. He never feels that it's possible to share his feelings, until care home owner Jeff (Stephen McCole) becomes a source of support. A flirtation with single mother Sam (Siobhan Reilly) could be a reason to choose life. Moments of optimism clash with dark despair in a strikingly filmed tale shot in North Berwick. Suicide among young men is a major issue in Scotland. Connect is an ambitious attempt to confront the issue in a heartfelt drama.

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