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The Silence of the Marsh (2019) - Also known as "El silencio del pantano"

Director: Marc Vigil
Cast: Pedro Alonso, Nacho Fresneda, Carmina Barrios, José Ángel Egido, Àlex Monner, Raúl Prieto, Maite Sandoval, Javier Godino, Luis Zahera, Miguel de Lira, Zaira Romero, Joan Carreras, Enric Benavent, Pep Molina, Pep Ricart, Ferran Gadea, Ernesto Pastor, Óscar de la Fuente, Miguel Ángel Romo, Macarena de Rueda, Mariam Torres, Laura Grande, Daniela Saludes, Carmen Higueras, Enrique Victoria, Paco Trenzano, Carolina Sellés, Arantxa Pastor, Arianne Lagarra, Chimo Pikos


City of Valencia, Valencia (east to Spain). "Q" is a former journalist reconverted in a writer of crime novel books. Man of success respected by his fans, in real life Q is a cold-blooded psychopath and lonely man with any feeling or empathy by any other, with a bad relation with his younger brother Nacho and living with a compulsion to kill that eventually he translates to his novels, writing about it as fiction. After the excellent critics of the latest work about the murder of a taxi driver, Q's wish to write a new story with a more important victim make him to chose Ferrán Carretero, teacher of Applied Economics in the University of Valencia and former politician of long carrier, recently involved in a scandal of corruption. Kidnapping him a night and moving him to Q's old family house in the middle of City of Valencia's swamp outside the city, Q notes all that Carretero says during his captivity of some days, killing him finally. Carretero's missing calls the attention of La P

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