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DIVOS! (2020) - Also known as "Divos!"

Director: Ryan Patrick Bartley
Cast: Matt Steele, Timothy Brundidge, Nicole Sullivan, Jayson Bernard, Jason Stuart, Marissa Jaret Winokur, Jake Busey, Luis Avila, Julia Boyd, Chris Schermerhorn, Daniel Kim, Quinn Lozar, Josh Shechter, Lauren Alexander, Michelle Way, Bonnie Hellman, Sarah Scott Davis, Travis Clayton, Dani Woodson, Dakota Lustick, Michelle Mueller, Cougar MacDowall, Daniel Brenes, Jordan Broussard, Al Marchesi, Michael Flores, Sarah José, Scott Yaldo, Sam Everett Baker, Rebecca Berg


Teenage egos collide when a self-proclaimed "Broadway Legend in the Making" is forced to share the spotlight with the school's star athlete in the high school musical.

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