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Ballbuster (2020)

Director: Tom Hines
Cast: Jerry O'Connell, Flex Alexander, Mark S. Allen, John Alston, Jackson Brown, Jenna Burd, Cameron A. Caves, Courtney Chambers, William A. Condon, Brian Crall, Kendall Rose Dath, Mark DeCarlo, John Demakas, Bettina Devin, Chris Emery, Tyler Dash White, Howard Gilden, Mikaela Gilden, Ariana Goulette, Ashley Heimbach, Mick Hodder, Christopher Michael Holley, Charlie Holliday, Joe Hughes, Corey Jackson, Brian Korsmeier, Chris Laird, Dane Larsen, Toby Larsen, John Logsdon


An entitled Basketball star is forced during suspension to tour with a dismal charity league. In the process he has the most bizarre on the road experiences in the history of the game, in the end discovers what is truly important in life.

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