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Pardon Mon Affaire (1976) - Also known as "Un éléphant ça trompe énormément"

Director: Yves Robert
Cast: Jean Rochefort, Claude Brasseur, Guy Bedos, Victor Lanoux, Danièle Delorme, Anny Duperey, Marthe Villalonga, Louise Conte, Maurice Bénichou, Christophe Bourseiller, Jean Lescot, Martine Sarcey, Catherine Verlor, Pascale Reynaud, Richard Saint-Bris, Jean Lanier, Anne-Marie Blot, Hélène Calzarelli


As loyal as a dove, a family man is about to tell his first lie to his wife when he falls for an enchanting woman in a billowy red dress. With a bit of help, he just might get what he wishes for; however, is love always a bed of r...

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