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Apple Seed (2019)

Director: Michael Worth
Cast: Rance Howard, Michael Worth, Esther Anderson, Adrienne Barbeau, Clint Howard, Robby Benson, Sarah De La Isla, Dasha Chadwick, Jennifer Kamstock, Johnny Jenkinson, Zephyr Benson, Jenya Lano, Billy 4 Johnston, Lois Stewart, Cory Chisel, Grace Johnston, Andrew Racho, Jody Marriott Bar-Lev, Jeff Davenport, John Marshall, Rob McShinsky, Robby McShinsky, Suzie Steen


On a cross country road trip to rob his home town bank Prince Mccoy finds himself having to rely on the help of an ex convict hitchhiker named Carl Robbins. Along the way the people they meet and the friendships they build begin to heal the ghosts of their pasts. However, they both have one final crossroad to face in the small town of Apple Seed.

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