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Amor Mutante (2019)

Director: Germán Rodríguez Quiñones
Cast: Anet Baca Terán, Sergio Rogalto, Tatiana Andrews, Lorena Baca Terán, Ana Cordelia, Jonathan Cornejo, Moshet Gutiérrez, Carlos Luna, Mike Melo, Roberto Muñoz, Anibal Navarro, Janeth Ponzo, Ramiro Ruiz, Luis José Sevilla, Yoshio Soriano, Patricia Soto, Ángel Terán, Marilyn Uribe, Eddy Vargas, Lucía Vázquez, Ray Zamarripa, Valeria Zomazy


In an panic-stricken ambience in the city caused by a corpeses of unidentified beings, Ali, a singer, meets Genaro. Ali begins to suffer strange symptoms. Their relationship deteriorates. What they don't know is that these changes will have future transcendence.

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