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The Great War (2019)

Director: Steven Luke
Cast: Bates Wilder, Hiram A. Murray, Ron Perlman, Billy Zane, Aaron Courteau, Edgar Damatian, Judah McFadden, Andrew Stecker, Casey Sill, Cody Fleury, Rod Kasai, Rich Lowe Ikenna, Jeremy Michael Pereira, Jordan McFadden, Bill Cooper, Charles Hubbell, Apostolos Gliarmis, Leonard Searcy, Kurt Peterson, Wade Everett, Michael Quinn, Eric m. Johnson, Trinity Schuetzle, Joseph Singer, Alex Bartlett, Darrin Barber, Eric m. Johnson, Chris Abbey Jr., Wylie Christensen, Scott Steven, Travis Jacobsen


During the last days of the Great War, a group of U.S. soldiers are sent behind enemy lines to rescue a lost platoon.

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