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A Journey Through Pines (2017)

Director: Jimmy Andrews
Cast: Enrique Abada, Haley Babula, Elizabeth Burcham, Bradley Austin Burns, Catherine Cappiello, Laura Cooley, Eris Culpepper, Anne-Leigh Freeman, Shae Fuller, Jason Gaines, Michelle Holland, James B. Huff, Paige Leahy, Petey Lou, A.F. Madison, Jeremy Mauldin, Mandy McQueen, Brad Napp, Diesel Nix, John A. Odom, Kaylila Pasha, Haley Sink-Shaw, Michael Spamer, Robin Steele, Joey Traywick, Jaime Renee Vega


A daughter finds a journal her dad left behind, only to discover there was another woman in his life she knew nothing about. She sets out to find this woman and the reason her father never ended up with the woman he must have loved.

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