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Angels Fallen (2020)

Director: Ali Zamani
Cast: Nicola Posener, Houston Rhines, Michael Teh, Li Jing, Michael Madsen, William Legue, Caroline Amiguet, Eric Roberts, Lee Kholafai, Ivica Dimitrijevic, Tommy Nash, Kamka Tocinovski, Scott Anthony Gould, Ivy Natalia, Nicholas Turturro, Filareta Atanasova, Lucas Bablin, Vinny DeGennaro, Hailey Hermida, Babak Vosoughi, Alexander Dean Williams, Cyrus Zoghi


After the tragic loss of his wife battling the forces of darkness, Gabriel is persuaded to rejoin his former team of demon hunters traveling from relatively obscurity in America to the deep unknown regions of Europe. He is joined by his estranged best friend Michael who harbors a dark secret, the mystical Hannah whose visions predict the future, and a motley crew of demon slayers. After losing part of his team Gabriel must confront his tragic past and decide who really is friend or foe.

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