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A Journey Through Time with Antony (2015) - Also known as "Pei an dong ni du guo man chang sui yue"

Director: Janet Chun
Cast: Chang Liu, Baihe Bai, Yixin Tang, Lisa Lu, Hong Pan, Rongguang Yu, Ju-Gang Bai, Bruce Hung, Vivian Sung, Kim Scar, Lingyue Xu, Yiyan Jiang, Archie Kao, Newnest Addakula, Robin Asher, Sun Olivia Choi, Paul Denny, Charlotte Goiris


In this tale of love, loss, and growing up, Anthony faces a big move. He's leaving home behind for Australia, in pursuit of a prestigious business degree. Not only is he leaving his family, but also the secret crush of his life, Ying

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