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Before the Fire (2020) - Also known as "The Great Silence"

Director: Charlie Buhler
Cast: Jenna Lyng Adams, Jackson Davis, Ryan Vigilant, Charles Hubbell, M.J. Karmi, Tim Driscoll, Carl Johnson, Dakota Morrissiey, Mary Beidler Gearen, Lisa Goodman, Drew Saplin, Seth Owens, Virginia Flannery, Spencer Berry, Seth Krull, Andrew Marksman, Martin Mica, John Tague


As a global pandemic engulfs Los Angeles, rising TV star Ava Boone is forced to flee the mounting chaos and return to her rural hometown. As she struggles to acclimate to a way of life she left behind long ago, her homecoming attracts a dangerous figure from her past- threatening both her and the family that serves as her only sanctuary.

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