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Two/One (2019)

Director: Juan Cabral
Cast: Boyd Holbrook, Yang Song, Zhu Zhu, Dominique McElligott, Beau Bridges, Hrothgar Mathews, Raymond Ma, Gabriel Tsai, Marilyn Norry, Princeton Lim, Anna Van Hooft, Brian Calvert, Jane McGregor, Mischa Karwat, Ashley Ross, Dale Hunter, Maxwell Barton, Dylan Sloane, Riun Garner, Kalum Temple, Candus Churchill, Marcus Sim, Michael Cha, Yuki Morita, Emma Yi, Maddie Phillips, Rene Wang, Archie Peters, Allison Downie


Two men. Living on the exact opposite side of the world. When one sleeps, the other one is awake. But when they finally meet, a simple question arises: Who is the dream and who is the dreamer?

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