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Glass Jaw (2018)

Director: Jeff Celentano
Cast: Lee Kholafai, Korrina Rico, Jon Gries, Brandon Sklenar, Reynaldo Gallegos, Boosie Badazz, Jaime Camil, Mark Rolston, Steven Williams, John Lewis, Malcolm David Kelley, Jack Fisher, Vernon Wells, Dana Melanie, Caitlin O'Connor, Caitlin O'Connor, Edie Youmans, Jaison Robinson, Brandon Espy, Ashlee Macropoulos, Arun Kapoor, Wyatt McClure, Timmy Glasgow, Kevin Kiley Jr., Luis Fernandez-Gil, Stephen Quadros, Samuel Evan Horowitz, Leo Black, John Carroll, Ike Catcher, Isabella Fowler


Several years ago, the hero of the film "Glass Jaw" was a completely happy man. Travis Austin has achieved great success in boxing. After soon achieving his first victory in the championship, the young athlete became rich, bought a posh house and married a beautiful woman. The guy immediately had a lot of friends who often visited his villa, where the champion organized parties. But one day there was a tragedy .

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