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Genocidal Organ (2017) - Also known as "Gyakusatsu kikan"

Director: Shûkô Murase
Cast: Josh Grelle, Ian Sinclair, Clifford Chapin, Joel McDonald, Jeannie Tirado, John Swasey, Charles Campbell, Phil Parsons, Dave Trosko, Lydia Mackay, Kent Williams, Linda Leonard, Linda Leonard, David Wald, Sonny Strait, Mark Stoddard, Tyson Rinehart, Anthony Bowling, Aaron Dismuke, Kyle Phillips, Ray Hurd, Jerry Jewell, Christopher Sabat, Ricco Fajardo, Kristi Rothrock, Felecia Angelle, Anastasia Munoz, Michelle Rojas, Ryan Reynolds, Brad Hawkins, Brandon McInnis


Set in a time when Sarajevo was obliterated by a homemade nuclear device, the story reflects a world inundated with genocide. An American man by the name of John Paul seems to be responsible for all of this and intelligence agent Clavis Shepherd treks across the wasteland of the world to find him and the eponymous "genocidal organ."

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