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Vitals (2019)

Director: Marc Morgenstern
Cast: Charlene Amoia, Bob Bekian, Dylan Hanson, Redd Horrocks, Curtis Lovegren, Nick McCallum, Sachin Mehta, Marc Morgenstern, Sheri Reeves, Calix Lewis Reneau, Tim Russ, Brenda Schmid, Eamon Sheehan, Christopher Showerman, Ashley Tinnon, Claudia Wells, Daniel Williams


On vacation, a man wakes up in an abandoned motel room in a tub of ice and his kidney missing. It's only a matter of time before he finds his wife in the adjacent room waiting to be the next victim to a horrible organ harvesting organization. Originally taking the vacation to work on their failing marriage, they must now set their differences aside and use each other's wits and skills to escape before their captors return and their dark secrets are revealed.

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