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The Pearls of the Crown (1937) - Also known as "Les perles de la couronne"

Director: Sacha Guitry
Cast: Jacqueline Delubac, Sacha Guitry, Lyn Harding, Renée Saint-Cyr, Enrico Glori, Ermete Zacconi, Barbara Shaw, Marguerite Moreno, Arletty, Marcel Dalio, Claude Dauphin, Robert Seller, Ponzio, Andrews Engelmann, Yvette Pienne, Raimu, Lisette Lanvin, Pierre Juvenet, Henri Crémieux, Aimé Simon-Girard, Germaine Aussey, Simone Renant, Damia, Di Mazzei, Jean-Louis Barrault, Robert Pizani, Émile Drain, Huguette Duflos, Raymonde Allain, Violet Farebrother


Three narrators (French writer Jean Martin, an English royal equerry, and a papal chamberlain) tell the story of seven matched pearls, four of them now in the British Crown. Episodes whirl us from Pope Clement VII to Mary Queen of Scots, from whom the pearls are stolen while she's occupied with the headsman. Historic events are seasoned with sly, satiric humor, and famous beauties are portrayed by stunning actresses. Then the narrators meet, and decide to try tracing the three unrecovered pearls from 1587 to the present...

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