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Death of a Virgin and the Sin of Not Living (2021) - Also known as "Bekâretin Sonu"

Director: George Peter Barbari
Cast: Etienne Assal, Adnan Khabbaz, Jean Paul Franjieh, Saad Elie Dankoura, Feyrouz AbouHassan, Thuraya Baghdadi, Maria Doueihi, Windy Ishak, Tala Abourjess, Etienne Assaf, Rayan Assaf, Joe Azouri, Aya Bizri, Elie Dargham, Ghadi Dawra, Ahmad El Balou, Feyrouz Abou Hassan, Joseph Nader


Etienne is taken by his friends to a prostitute for the first time. Three troubled teens on their way to win their acceptance into manhood. Though several unexpected occurrences take Etienne on an unforeseen journey into himself.

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