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I Am Fear (2020)

Director: Kevin Shulman
Cast: William Forsythe, Eoin Macken, Faran Tahir, Bill Moseley, Kristina Klebe, Christian Oliver, Victoria Summer, Steve Wilder, Guinevere Turner, Fahim Fazli, Ali Saam, Said Faraj, Camilla Jackson, Tom Fitzpatrick, Alberto Zeni, Iyad Hajjaj, Maggie Parto, Kelsa Kinsly, Ray Haratian, Atif Hashwi, Emmanuel Howell, Joseph Kamal, Salem Mikhael, Gus Krieger, Jordan Blake, Virginia Rand, Joseph Gilbert, Wali Razaqi, Evan Michael Pinsonnault, Sarah Goshen


Held captive by terrorists, celebrity reporter, Sara Brown, sits in a cell awaiting her filmed beheading. Sara's captors wish to show the world the true face of terror but how can they, when even they have not seen it yet?

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