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Cars of the Revolution (2008) - Also known as "Devrim Arabalari"

Director: Tolga Örnek
Cast: Haluk Bilginer, Taner Birsel, Charles Carroll, Ali Düsenkalkar, Halit Ergenç, Sait Genay, Altan Gördüm, Seçil Mutlu, Ahmet Ilker Okumus, Vahide Perçin, Ugur Polat, Serhat Tutumluer, Selçuk Yöntem, Yasemin Çonka, Onur Ünsal


It is just after the military take over of the administration in 1960. The new head of state believes Turkey can only be independent if it is economically strong. After sounding out the weak private sector and most of the senior bureaucrats, it is clear that nobody has a similar view. So, he dares the government sector to see if anyone can design and produce a 100% original car within 4 months... Well, one engineer shares this vision and a small and dedicated team start working in a locomotive factory. Time is short and resources are limited. Many believe this can not be achieved. This is the story of a team of idealist engineers working on this vision.

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