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Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds (2021) - Also known as "D'Artacán y los tres Mosqueperros"

Director: Toni García
Cast: Miguel Angel Perez, Eduardo Jover, Gloria Cámara, Antonio Ramírez, Ana Esther Alborg, Ana María Marí, Luis Bajo, Carlos Kaniowsky, Gabriel Jiménez, Juan Perucho, Luis Reina, Abraham Aguilar, Vicente Gil, Juan Arroyo, Ana Ángeles García, Adolfo Pastor, Antonio Domínguez, Carmen Gambín


Dogtanian is a young swordsman who dreams of joining the legendary Muskehounds. After proving his skills and earning their trust, he and the Muskehounds must defend the King from the evil Cardinal Richelieu's secret plot to seize pow

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