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The Walking Dead (1995)

Action, Drama, War
USA (English) 88 min
4.9 -
Coming Soon
Release: 24 February 1995 (USA)
Director: Preston A. Whitmore II
Cast: Allen Payne, Eddie Griffin, Joe Morton, Vonte Sweet, Roger Floyd, Ion Overman, Kyley Jackman, Bernie Mac, Jean-Claude La Marre, Lena Sang, Wendy Raquel Robinson, Dana Point, Doil Williams, Damon Jones, Kevin Jackson, Vivienne Sendaydiego, Hank Stone, Velma Thompson, Wilmer Calderon, Carlos Joshua Agrait, Frank Price, Susan Ursitti, Sharon Parra, Frank Eugene Matthews Jr., Joshua Armstrong, Terry King, Nicole Avant, Lisa Walker, Renee Behan, Lee Dawson


In 1972 Vietnam, a group of United States Marines are sent in to rescue several POW officers. The Landing Zone (LZ) which should have been "cold" actually turns out to indeed be very "hot" (characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement ; very intense). Soon, after a short fight, only four of the soldiers are left alive. Later, the platoon which they were to meet the next day is entirely wiped out with the exception of one nut-case. The small group then arrives at the conclusion that they are all expendable decoys. Between all of the walking, talking, arguing and assaulting between the four soldiers, there are flashbacks to all of their contrite lives before serving in the Corps.

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