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Love in Winterland (2020)

Director: Pat Williams
Cast: Italia Ricci, Chad Michael Murray, Jack Turner, Aliyah O'Brien, Wanda Cannon, Michael Kopsa, Brittney Wilson, Serge Houde, Edwin Perez, Trish Allen, Teagan Vincze, Kirsten Robek, Gelsea Mae, Ben Wilkinson, Angela Case, Stefania Indelicato, Christie Burke


Workaholic Ally Wilson, who has made it to the final two on the dating reality television show "Happily Ever After," was convinced to sign up for the show if only to promote Swans Hotels, where she works in Marketing at the Los Angeles corporate office, although she does admit that Tanner Dillon, the bachelor who will choose between her and the other finalist for the last series of five dates, does proverbially check off all the boxes in a potential mate. Because she has been more than obvious about her motivations, she is nonetheless surprised that Tanner does choose her. She may be less prepared that those five dates will be held in her hometown of Winterland, a Vermont ski resort where she has not been since she left for college after high school in her plan to climb the corporate ladder away from small town Winterland. While she is looking forward to Tanner meeting her parents, Tom and Molly Wilson, she is less excited about running into some people, such as her childhood rival "..

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