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The Evolution of Us - TV Programs (2016)

Cast: Samuel West


I'm going to give the two episode series "The Evolution of Us" a solid 7 stars. If, as I do, you have formal training in evolutionary biology and continue to study the subject, there really won't be anything new to you here. Many of the talking heads range from the well-known to the very well-known.There were no glaring errors that I noticed, although, as expected from introductory material, it is over-simplified in places for those with significant knowledge. This is not a criticism, since it is very well-done for what it means to be.As far as some of the speculation goes, I totally agree with pretty much all of it. I suffer from a very rare genetic disease, which has caused a lot of death and misery in my family. Because of this fact, I follow certain parts of this science fairly closely, and completely believe that the gene that gives my family such grief will be eliminated from the human gene pool within a century (beyond, of course, it's occasional reappearan

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