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Hashtag Blessed: The Movie (2022) - Also known as "Hashtag gesegnet - Jessis Weihnachtswunder"

Director: Stephanie McBain
Cast: Isabella Blake-Thomas, Mama Char, Nicholas Heard, Amanda Michalek, Tashara May, Joel Christopher Payne, Pamela Bowen, John Crosby, Edwin Modlin II, Becki Hayes, Malia Robinson, Summer Clark, Ena O'Rourke, Avery Lynn, Brian Neil Hoff, Birdman Rob Hephner, Norma English, Michael Thomas


It's Christmastime and Jessi is all but excited. She finds herself with comparisonitis in the world of social media. Other women her age just seem to "have it all", while she is frustrated over her job at the local movie theater, ...

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