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Death Blood 4: Revenge of the Killer Nano-Robotic Blood Virus (2019)

Director: Chris DePretis
Cast: Tess DePretis, Shawn Amaro, Zach Beckman, Len LoFrisco, Ilya Leshinsky, Thali Zara, Wilcox Ekenta, Courtney Glickman, Chase Beck, Johanna Zukowski, Morgan Finley King, Lauren C. Lane, Jake Shupp, Stephanie Scribner, Tyler Bingham, Thomis Baker, Jake Boerman, Josh Burger, Gabe Castro, Marc DePretis, Barbara LoFrisco, Shelby Schock


A film that acts as a sequel to a series of fictitious B-movies. Once again, the Death Blood has invaded the quiet suburban town of Pleasanton, CA. With series hero Sara Shane away on another planet, it's up to her daughter Cindi to team up with local pizza man, Shawn, and space alien, JB, to save the town before evil police captain, Chief Beefe succeeds in spreading the Death blood's influence.

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