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Amityville Vampire (2021)

Director: Tim Vigil
Cast: Jennifur Miller, Miranda Melhado, Anthony Dearce, Randy Oppenheimer, Veronica Farren, Maggie Nolting, Haillye Young Miller, Jose Acain, Ismaele Montone, J Randall, Tuesday Grant, Sean Michael Billings, Kat Rodriguez, Laura Meadows, Margaux Leigh Hamilton, Cassidy Rose Gyetvan, Evans Jacobs, Gustave Whinnery, Tom Newth


If you are looking for another Amityville thrill and horror piece, or even a not-so-great horror movie, look elsewhere.But if you like very graphic death scenes with blood and gore, women flashing big breasts and showing great breast cleavage, you'll find some in this one. Some conversations might look very lengthy and unnecessary in here, but that don't contribute much to boost the quality of the movie.

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