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Another World (2018) - Also known as "Half the World"

Director: Junji Sakamoto
Cast: Mayu Harada, Hiroki Hasegawa, Keisuke Horibe, Chizuru Ikewaki, GorĂ´ Inagaki, Renji Ishibashi, Motomi Makiguchi, Chihiro Okamoto, Takehiko Ono, Kiyohiko Shibukawa, Masayuki Shida, Aki Sugawara, Rairu Sugita, Miyako Takeuchi


Hiroshi Takamura makes makes high-grade charcoals at a charcoal kiln that he inherited from his father. He has a wife, Hatsuno, and a son Akira, who is going through a rebellious phase. Hiroshi is indifferent to his family. One day, Hiroshi's old friend, Eisuke Okiyama, comes back to his hometown. Eisuke is a former self-defense official. After Hiroshi learns about Eisuke's past, he decides to take his job and family more seriously.

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