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Little House: Bless All the Dear Children (1984)

Director: Victor French
Cast: Melissa Gilbert, Dean Butler, Richard Bull, Victor French, Kevin Hagen, Allison Balson, Stan Ivar, Pamela Roylance, Lindsay Kennedy, David Friedman, Shannen Doherty, Leslie Landon, Robert Casper, Patricia Pearcy, Robin Clarke, Harvey Vernon, Joel Graves, J.S. 'Joe' Young, Colin Hamilton, Stephen Roberts, Kate Williamson, Robert L. Lee, Henry Kendrick, Dick Armstrong, Jack Dunlap, Garin BougiƩ, Jack Lilley, Ruth Foster, Ike Eisenmann, Angella Kaye


In the second sequel of the popular TV series Laura and Almanzo are forced to go looking for Rose who was kidnapped. A young orphan looking for a home and Jason Carter's wish to give his mother a happy Christmas are also parts of the story.

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