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Catching Up (2019)

Director: Bill Crossland
Cast: Bill Crossland, Francesca Carpanini, Isabella Pisacane, Johnathan Fernandez, Sam Daly, Jared Michael Delaney, Caroline Duncan, Lydia Meredith, Orlagh Cassidy, Drew Moore, Erik O. Mayer, Jillian Geurts, Chris Petrovski, Stephen Martinez, Brie Cassil, Patrick Morris, Shannon DeVido, Mia Darrow, Alexander Brinitzer, Zachary Savage, Katie Leonard, William S. Crossland, Julia Blanchard, Matt Lochner, Alexandra Rider, Adriana Alveario, Ryan Roughton, Seth Clayton, Rudy Jones, Breen Rourke


A romantically inexperienced man with muscular dystrophy struggles to win the love of his able-bodied crush while posing as a boyfriend for his closeted best friend.

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