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Enormous (2019) - Also known as "Énorme"

Director: Sophie Letourneur
Cast: Marina Foïs, Jonathan Cohen, Jacqueline Kakou, Ayala Cousteau, Victor Uzzan, Jami Ceccomori-Prisca, Alexandre Berurrier, Anne Jonquet, Andrée Nurymberg Ghelfi, Ngarara Gilberte Tommasde Taday, Tatianey Ribeiro, Marie-Joëlle Mertens de Wilmars, Emmanuel Hondré, Nicole Opsommer Verlinde, Philippe Provensal, Sigalevitch, Bettina Hondré, Caroline Gandet, Anne Fontaine, Virginie Gossez, Judith Aronovitcz, Dominique Louboutin, Sanni Comte, Virginie Jaurès, Fore Alardo, Anaïs Goda, Isabelle Moussy, Béatrice Beaucaire, Laetitia Alessandrini, Elise Vilaplana


A world traveling pianist and her husband have decided not to have a baby, but then he sees a surprise childbirth on a flight and tampers with her pill.

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