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The Decadent and Depraved (2018)

Director: Axel August, Jordon Prince-Wright
Cast: Michael Muntz, Ben Mortley, Steve Turner, Clarence John Ryan, Isabella Jacqueline, Mitchell Page, Dean McAskil, Kingsley Judd, Davilia O'Connor, Bruce Denny, Jacob Brown, Noel O'Neill, Robert Hartburn, Nathan Hambly, Kelly Belinda Hammond, Michael Rainone, Christopher Sansoni, Maitland Schnaars, Jentina Thiangthae, Craig Van Waardenburg, Levi Widnall, Peter Williams


In a remote and dark place in the outback of Western Australia, the wanted man Leon Murphey (Ben Mortley) leaves his family in a bid to ensure their safety. While being transported by Captain Dalton (Michael Muntz), Leon's daughter (Isabella Jacqueline) is captured by the cruel Maitland (Steve Turner). The journey soon becomes a chaotic tale of revenge and murder within the ever-changing terrain of Western Australia.

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