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July Rising (2019)

Director: Chauncey Crail
Cast: Alexa Yeames, Johanna Putnam, Devin Ashley Whitten, Michael Ridley, Rebecca Dines, Jason Kuykendall, Jonathan Vasquez, Josh Zambrano, Brien DiRito, Reed Wolthausen, Doron JePaul Mitchell, Shellby King, Michael Baum, Michael Vincent Berry, Bill Bond, Walter Booth, T. Mark Collins, Jason Edington, Clay Haskell, Gabriela Juarez, Anthony O'Neil Kelly Jr., Dana Kirkpatrick, Pamela Kirkpatrick, Stacey Mattina, Cinthya Montes de Oca


When sixteen-year old Andy inherits her grandfather's orchard and becomes the ward of her aunt from the city, she must navigate the path to her future from a small town where choice and agency have never been options for young women.

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