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The Deadly Duo (1971) - Also known as "Shuang xia"

Director: Cheh Chang
Cast: David Chiang, Lung Ti, Stanley Sui-Fan Fung, Pak-Kwong Ho, Feng Ku, Lei Cheng, Sing Chen, Lung Yu, Chuan Chen, Kang-Yeh Cheng, Yi-Hsiung Chi, Shao-Lin Chiang, Chi Chu Chin, Yun-Kin Chow, Hark-On Fung


A prince of the Sung Dynasty has been taken prisoner by Ching invaders and is being held in an impenetrable fortress by elite men of the Ching. A group of fighters loyal to the Sung set out on a treacherous journey to the fortress in order to free the prince. A mysterious stranger is recruited to accompany the fighters to help them gain access to the fortress.

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