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About Endlessness (2019) - Also known as "Om det oändliga"

Director: Roy Andersson
Cast: Bengt Bergius, Conny Block, Lisa Blohm, Anja Broms, Marie Burman, Amanda Davies, Tatiana Delaunay, Karin Engman, Rebecka Enholm, Jan-Eje Ferling, Lars Flenstedt-Waleij, Thore Flygel, Lotta Forsberg, Anton Forsdik, Pär Fredriksson, Olivia Hatamian Sjölund, Anders Hellström, Göran Holm, Erik Igelström, Stefan Karlsson, Mattias Königsson, Anne Lindblom, Jessica Louthander, Stefan Palmqvist, Vanja Rosenberg, Lars Sandström, Martin Serner, Jan Steen, Florencio Urbano, André Vaara


ABOUT ENDLESSNESS is a reflection on human life in all its beauty and cruelty, its splendor and banality. We wander, dreamlike, gently guided by our Scheherazade-esque narrator. Inconsequential moments take on the same significance as historical events: a couple floats over a war-torn Cologne; on the way to a birthday party, a father stops to tie his daughter's shoelaces in the pouring rain; teenage girls dance outside a cafe; a defeated army marches to a prisoner-of-war camp. Simultaneously an ode and a lament, ABOUT ENDLESSNESS presents a kaleidoscope of all that is eternally human, an infinite story of the vulnerability of existence.

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