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We Love You, Sally Carmichael! (2017)

Director: Christopher Gorham
Cast: Felicia Day, Christopher Gorham, Paula Marshall, Elizabeth Tulloch, Jack McBrayer, Sebastian Roché, Mallory Everton, Bob Stephenson, Michelle Money, Perez Hilton, Alicia Hannah, Sarah Jayne Jensen, Charan Prabhakar, K. Danor Gerald, David Nibley, Trey Warner, Lisa Clark, Jake Brown, Stacey Harkey, Mila Smith, Becca Ingram, Christopher Clark, Lauren Call, Ethan Gorham, Steve Soelberg, Nicea DeGering, Andie Nibley, Jared White, Jaden Riding, Matt Casady


Readers across the world are in love with author Sally Carmichael's series of romance novels that chronicle the epic love story between a human girl and a merman. But no one knows that Sally Carmichael is really Simon Hayes, a bitter, serious novelist - and Simon would like to keep it that way.

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