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Tuftland (2017) - Also known as "Kyrsyä - Tuftland"

Director: Roope Olenius
Cast: Veera W. Vilo, Saara Elina, Miikka J. Anttila, Ria Kataja, Neea Viitamäki, Arja Pekurinen, Ari Savonen, Janne-Markus Katila, Mirja Oksanen, Katja Jaskari, Enni Ojutkangas, Jari Manninen, Jussi Tuomi, Matvei Ojansuu, Niina Ylipahkala, Sampo Marjomaa, Anette Aghazarian, Essi Capunzinho, Viljami Heinonen, Minna Helkiö, Hanna-Leena Henriksson, Pihla Hiltunen, Jane Hölsö, Jarmo Ikola, Aleksanteri Jaakkola, Jaana Jokisalo, Ari Karhunen, Riku Laine, Joel Manninen, Tuomo Marttinen


Balancing between a failed relationship, uninspiring studies and financial problems, the headstrong textile student Irina finds herself stuck in the modern rat race. To overcome her problems she decides to accept an unexpected summer job offer at the secluded and self-sufficient village of Kyrsya. As Irina begins to get a grip of herself in the middle of the endless Finnish forest, the harmless and offbeat hillbillies begin to reveal their true nature.

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