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Blind & Ugly (2017) - Also known as "Blind & Hässlich"

Director: Tom Lass
Cast: Naomi Achternbusch, Tom Lass, Clara Schramm, Dimitri Stapfer, Peter Marty, Eva Löbau, Katharina Bellena, Franziska Breite, Bea Brocks, Anna Brüggemann, Julius Feldmeier, Robert Gallinowski, Moritz Grove, Robert Gwisdek, Karin Hanczewski, Paula D. Koch, Naomi Krauss, Dorothee Krüger, Frank Künster, Jakob Lass, Lola Lightning, Sulaika Lindemann, Petra Niermeier, Fabian Passamonte, Julian Rabus, Sarina Radomski, Axel Ranisch, Zdenek Rybak, Cornelius Schwalm, Martina Schöne-Radunski


Ferdi is ugly. And he desperately wants a girlfriend but he can't because: ugly. One day however he meets Jona and Jona is blind. For the first time in his life, there is hope. What Ferdi doesn't know is that Jona isn't really blind. She's just pretending. After she ran away from home to drop out of school she needed a place to stay and began to play blind to live with her Cousine Cecile in the home for the blind. Should Ferdi find out, he will most likely kill himself.

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