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Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer (2018)

Crime, Drama
USA (English) 93 min
6.7 8
  9/10   9/10   2
Updated on 2020 Mar 23
Director: Nick Searcy
Cast: Janine Turner, Dean Cain, Michael Beach, Nick Searcy, Sarah Jane Morris, Cyrina Fiallo, Earl Billings, JR Hatchett, Darryl Cox, Ariel Richardson, Ben Hall, Damon Carney, Thomas Rivas, Grace Montie, Stephen Goodman, Erin Elizabeth Cook, M. Elizabeth Dickerson, Sidney Flack, Desiree' Jones, Jay Dee, Carmen Patterson, Charles Walker, Nhan Le, Leesa Neidel, Eleanor T. Threatt, Alfonzo Rachel, Geoff Koch, Debbi Tucker, Desmond Marion McIntyre, Dustin Wilson


This police/court room drama is based on actual information on Dr. Kermit Gosnell (played by Earl Billings) who for decades ran a Philadelphia inner-city abortion clinic. In 2010, Philadelphia Police Detectives Wood (Dean Cain) and Stark (Alfonzo Rachel), with DEA and FBI agents, raid the clinic for evidence of illegal prescription drug sales. They are shocked by the clinic's filthy conditions, bags of aborted fetuses in hallways, and fetal body parts stored in a refrigerator. Interviewing clinic workers, they learn: patients are given anesthesia by untrained assistants; one patient died on the operating table from an anesthesia overdose; abortions were performed on babies older than 24 weeks; and some babies were delivered alive, after which Dr. Gosnell cut their spinal cord with scissors. The detectives take the bagged bodies to the coroner and bring the situation to the attention of DA Dan Molinari (Michael Beach). An Assistant DA (Sara Jane Morris) agrees to prosecute the murde

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