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Outlawed (2018)

Director: Adam Collins, Luke Radford
Cast: Adam Collins, Emmeline Kellie, Andy Calderwood, Andre Squire, Ollie Christie, Jessica Norris, Anthony Burrows, Zara Phythian, Tina Harris, Brian Woodward, Rose Joeseph, Martin Gaisford, Tobias Fries, Celiowagner Coelho, Craig Canning, Megan Abel, Charlice Alice, Georgia Annable, Lisa Appleman, Victoria Appleman, Rose Barker, Steven Blades, Daniel Bowring, Ben Boyd, Daniel Bright, Adei Bundy, Andrew Burford, Sophie Canare, Chris Chambers, Mike Choo


Royal Marines Commando Jake O'Neil (Adam Collins) struggles to adjust to civilian life. When a former girlfriend Jade Roberts (Jessica Norris) seeks out his help to uncover the truth behind her father's mysterious death, Jake agrees, but finds himself tangled in a web of corruption and murder.

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