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Devil's Prey (2020)

Director: Lincoln Casimir
Cast: Leeden Anderson, Emily Battles, Carol Bayruns, Zoe Belasco, Stephanie Bellia, Carolyn Benson, Kathleen Boddington, Brad Bolnick, Chase Bolnick, Beth Brandon, Joe Bulone, Nicholas Cabello, Ashton Casimir, Grace Clary, Vance Clemente, David DeCuir, Rick Denlinger, Rory Dunwoody, George Flowers, Maureen Galvin, David Gazzo, Frank Guglielmo, John K. Hart, Dree Karoussi, Paul C. Kelly, Michael LaPorta, Jessica Morris, Colin O'Donnell, Julia Paz, Michelle Poynton


As a demon and a fallen angel battle for his soul, a tormented serial killer is stalked by the ghosts of his past victims and hunted by detectives searching for his latest prey.

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