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Die by the Sword (2020)

Director: Christopher Forbes
Cast: Mike Amason, Alyssa Amelia, Jezibell Anat, David Axe, Ronald Blanton, Aaron Blomberg, Damian Bush, Thomas Carani, Michelle Cassidy, Darien Cavanaugh, Ryan Cruce, Dean Culpepper, Alyssa Dorn, Jonathan Elkin, Wade Fullmer, Charles Gabel, Charlie Gabel, Donna Gills, Sherman Gills, Joanne Greene, Jeff Guerrero, Jeff Guerrero, Endia Hare, Ryan Hare, Tammy Huls, Stephan Jensen, Alexis Raven Jeter, Frederick Jones, Aidan Krause, Erikson Lathrop


The Roman Empire occupied Britannia (Britain) for four centuries, providing protection and peace in exchange for submission. The Romans built Hadrian's Wall on the northern border to keep out the Picts, fierce and mysterious warriors who painted them-selves blue. But in the fifth century, the Romans left, leaving the British to fend for themselves under the leadership of King Vortigern.

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