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Three Comrades (2020)

Director: Vladimir Kozlov
Cast: Evgeniy Zarubin, Ivan Shary, Andrei Yasinsky, Olga Serikova, Ksenia Plyusnina, Dmitriy Grishin, Nikolay Sayapin, Ivan Smekh, Alexander Bobrov, Gasan Muturzayev, Sofia Gusarina, Darya Koledova, Ilya Chernykh, Sergei Miller


'Three Comrades' covers 24 hours in the lives of Gleb, Vlad and Gosha, all three in their mid-twenties. After a day of fighting with the aggressive boss and unscrupulous customers, the three young men decide to have a few drinks and unwind. But what was supposed to be an uneventful night out soon enough turns into unexpected and, sometimes, violent adventure.

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