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Whipped (2020) - Also known as "Bucin"

Director: Chandra Liow
Cast: Andovi Da Lopez, Jovial Da Lopez, Tommy Limm, Chandra Liow, Susan Sameh, Karina Salim, Kezia Aletheia, Ibob Tarigan, Widika Sidmore, Gading Marten, Deddy Corbuzier, Uus, Helmy Yahya, Niniek L. Karim, Andhika Pratama, Yudha Keling, David Beat, Peter Taslim, Abi Bayu, Rico Lubis, Sunar S. Samtani, Fitra Eri, Rania Putri Sari, Martin Anugerah, Anastasia Febri


Andovi, Tommy, Jovi, and Chandra try to get out of unhealthy relationships because they are "bucin" (slaves of love). They decide to take the "antibucin" class so they can have a more mature relationship, and not be enslaved by love. It turns out that the method of teaching, taught by Vania, is very extreme. Even threatening their love and friendship relationships.

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